Talk to Student Services or your Educational Advisor about available funding opportunities.
Financial Support For Students
- DOES NOT have to be repaid
- Usually provided by the government See: (Ontario Student Assistance Program - OSAP)..
- Students MUST meet the funding criteria
- DOES NOT have to be repaid
- For students with a demonstrated financial need
- Various needs in the application process
- MUST be repaid
- Repayment usually begins after you have graduated or been out of school for 6 months (Student Line of Credit through bank, OSAP, etc.)
- Students must meet criteria set out by the lender
Award or Scholarship
- DOES NOT have to be repaid
- Students must meet specific criteria, such as marks or community involvement
For more information about grants, bursaries, loans, and scholarships, talk to the financial aid office at your college or university. You can also find information on the following websites: